Copyright holders
Text, photo, video and other materials published on the site are solely of an introductory nature, obtained by the editorial board of the site from sources of free distribution, and materials on the Internet on the basis of "fair use" (fair use).
Information for copyright holders
If you have found material covered by your copyright backed by the Law, and you do not want the material to be disseminated on the site without your personal consent, our editorial staff will take immediate action and will assist you to remove or correct the material(s), depending on your preference.
In this case, the copyright holder should send an email to the editorial office of the site, with the following information:
- A scan copy of the document(s) that confirms your rights to the copyrighted material (with details, seal, and signatures of the officials), or
- email, from the domain of the company with the official status of the copyright holder, or
- other contact information that will allow to accurately and unambiguously identify you as the copyright holder of the material;
- confirm the exclusive rights to the material;
- direct links to the sources of the Site where copyrighted material is published for its removal, correction.
Site administration in current of 48 hours from the moment of receipt of electronic letter in case of identification of you as right holder undertakes to remove material protected by copyright, or to notify applicant about nuances as a result of which identification could not be done.
Please note
1) The editorial staff of the site reserves the full right to publish any material submitted through the contact form or uploaded by a registered user.
2) According to the law, references to any data or informative messages do not by themselves fall under the object of copyright.
In view of the above, we would like to inform you that direct or indirect threatening letters and/or demands that have no legal basis for cooperation will be ignored.